Wednesday 10 July 2019

Types of uPVC Windows and Doors

Windows and doors the most prominent part of any construction has seen a lot of advancement during the last 2 decades. I remember when I was a kid we only used to have the openable wooden windows but now with growing awareness different materials for windows and doors along with multiple designs are available in India. Among the available options, uPVC windows and doors have taken the fenestration market by storm. Â Here is a guide to different window designs available in the market nowadays.

Casement Windows

Casement windows are the traditional openable windows that can either open inward or outward with the help of hinges or handle. They are quite popular because of their ability to provide 100% opening.

Sliding Windows

Sliding windows consists of  2-3 glass panels that can slide over a track from left to right or right to left based on the customer requirement. These windows are quite popular in flats that do not have enough space for windows to open completely but wants an unobstructed view of outside. uPVC sliding windows price is also quite affordable in comparison to its aluminum or wooden counterparts.
French Windows

French windows are double sash windows that open inward or outward just like traditional windows. They are often opted because of their ability to provide proper insulation.

Fixed Windows

Fixed windows just have a fixed glass fixed in between uPVC outer frame. These are just accessory windows and are not meant for opening. They merely allow light to pass through and are meant to add aesthetic appeal to your interiors.

Monday 1 July 2019

Learn how to keep your home cooler this summer

Summers are at peak now and mansoon seems like a far away dream but alas, we have no choice but to deal with the everrising temperatures. Due to growing urbanization more and more trees are being cut down and this is leading to deforestation and global warming.

Although, airconditioners and refrigerators are doing their bit and are helping us deal with the hot waves to an extent but they are not sustainable options. To bear with the severe climatic conditions and to help the enviroment recover from the damages done in the past there are a few lifestyle changes that we need to make.

1. Go Green -  Planting a tree nearby to your home or opting for indoor plants are a great way to keep your home cooler and naturally refreshing. You can also choose to set up a kitchen garden for yourself in case if you have enough space.

2. Home Interior – Home interior plays a very important role in getting rid of the heat transmission. You can use lighter shades of colours for your walls so that they do not absorb the light and reflect instead keeping your walls cooler. In case if your home is on the top floor you can opt for a false ceilling which helps in trapping heat.
3. Windows and doors -  Reserach states that 60% of heat transfer occurs through the windows and doors, so choosing the right window or door solution becomes an imperative step towards a cooler home. Aluminium being a metal has the highest heat coefficient and tranfers heat the most, wood on the other hand do not transfer heat but choosing wooden furnishings would worsen the situation by causing further more deforestation. So what is the solution? It’s simple choose uPVC windows and doors.

uPVC windows and doors in India are the current trend as they are made up of recyclable material and provides a complete insulation against heat, noise, dust and rain. uPVC window and door manufaturers claim that when used with Low E glasses these windows and doors can cut down on your electricity bill as well by 30% by making your airconditioners work a little lesser.